Algebra Word Problems

Here are presented a number of papers on how to do algebra word problems using Scheme, a system I concocted.

Paper 1 Scheme is used to solve a chemistry problem on molarity of an ion in solution.

Paper 2 Scheme is used to solve a 'coins in a jar' word problem.

Paper 3 Scheme is used to balance chemical equations.

Paper 4 Scheme is used to solve printers and pumps mixed-rate problems.

Paper 5 Scheme is used to solve a 'mixed-rate job problem'.

Paper 6 'Mixed-rate problem' of different point sizes of type.

Paper 7 Diluting paint as a 'mixed-rate problem'.

Paper 8 Profit margins.

Paper 9 Three 'machines' to fill a tank as a 'mixed-rate problem'.

Paper 10 Sales of shoes and boots, coworker problem.

Paper 11 'Mixed-rate problems': coworkers on job.

Paper 12 Another coworkers on job problem, tea mixture.

Paper 13 Making a certain percentage of acid problem, wheat mixture.

Paper 14 Mixing concentrates problem, multiple people per job.

Paper 15 D = vt problem, two 'mixed-rate problems'.

Paper 16 Heat loss through glass and plaster, 'wine and water' mixture problem.

Paper 17 Difficult wine-mixed-with-water problem. Object lesson: make a figure, not just a table.

Paper 18 Percent milk fat in milk, ratio of Gold to Silver in Royal Crown, diluting alcohol to a certain percentage.

Paper 19 This paper serves as a warning to those who make mixtures by percentages when the percentages have an ambiguity between volumes and weights being intended. Peanut-cashew mixture problem. Percent salt in brine.

Paper 20 The unintuitive Dehydrating Watermelon Problem, Beaf-Pork-Soy mixture problem, change of ratio mixture problem, city vs highway gas mileage.

Paper 21 Proof that word problems can be difficult!

Here we present the solutions to the following two posted problems found at

Question 364411: Two alloys contain silver and copper in the ratios 3:1 and 5:3, respectively. The alloys are mixed to get a third alloy. The possible ratio of silver to copper in the third alloy is?


Question 353765:


Alloy A..40%...30%...30%

Alloy B..20%...30%...50%

Alloy C..........10%...90%

How many grams of each alloys A, B, and C must be mixed to get 325 gm of an alloy that is 25% lead, 13% zinc, and 62% copper?

Poster's comment: I've tried this using the Matrix, and the inverse Matrix, and keep coming up with negitives on some alloys. Thanks for your help.

Paper 22 Percent interest and some 'mixed-rate problems'.

Paper 23 Percentage and ratio problems.

Paper 24 Wine-to-water problem, baking ratios problem.

Paper 25 Percent and ratio problems are attempted.

Paper 26 Investment ratios, ingredient ratios, average speed of a trip.

Paper 27 Juice concoction mixture ratios, adding various percentages to get a certain percentage output.

Paper 28 How to aid solving a problem by using a little graph theory.

Paper 29 Using a four-square to aid in solving problems.

Paper 30 Another ratio problems, a rock is dropped from a cliff.

Paper 31 Another difficult mixed-ratios problems.

Paper 32 Planning ahead your work schedule.

Paper 33 An interesting problem where a cop must catch a thief. How many steps will this take?
There are a variety of other word problems solved here too!